
Obituary Form

Obituary Form

We provide this Obituary Information Form so that you and your family can submit obituary listing information about your loved one online.  In addition to the online obituary that will appear on the Cabot and Sons website, this information can also be reported to local newspapers and/or periodicals for publication in their obituaries pages.

Obituary Form

If you have any questions whatsoever, please contact Cabot & Sons Funeral Home at (626) 793-7159.

Decedent's Vitals
Veteran Info

Was Decendent Ever In the US Armed Forces? : (if no, continue to next section)


Newspapers will only use names of the immediate family as listed below. The city or town and state of the survivors must be included - separate each piece of the individual's information with a comma and a space. If there is more than one person per each text area, then separate multiple individuals by hitting the 'enter' key so that they each appear on a new line in the text area.

Service & Burial Info

Funeral Service:


Church Location:


Cemetery Location:

Informant (Your) Info


Other Information & Instructions

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. A member of our staff will review your information and contact you to further discuss the details of your arrangements. Please proceed to the next step.



© Cabot and Sons Funeral Home
Pasadena, California
State Lic. No #341

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